DELF Simulation Exam

Come practise your reading and listening comprehension in a real DELF exam simulation at Alliance Française Wellington.

Open to adults for levels A1 to B2 only.

Come practise your reading and listening comprehension in a real DELF exam simulation at Alliance Française Wellington. Results will be sent to you 10 days after the exam to help you prepare for the real DELF exam at the end of October.

When: Friday 16 September 2022. See times below.

How much: $20 (GST included)

To enrol: Email us your name and DELF level at


A1 - 12.00 to 1.00pm

A2 - 12.00 to 1.15pm

B1 - 12.00 to 1.25pm

B2 - 12.00 to 1.35pm

A minimum of 5 people for each level is required to run the simulation exam. 

Exam Dates Registration Deadline Price Bookings
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