Espace Nouvelle-Calédonie

"Visit with Mrs Adrienne Bushell, President of the Alliance Française Wellington, and Nathalie Dourneau, Director”

President of the government of New Caledonia, Mr Philippe Germain, and his delegation visited the “Espace culturel et éducatif de Nouvelle-Calédonie” funded by the Delegation of New Caledonia in New Zealand and inaugurated in December 2013 by Yves Lafoy, Official Representative of New Caledonia to New Zealand.

The President expressed the wish to intensify the collaboration between our Institutions and to promote Francophonie in New Zealand by renewing our collections of books and DVDs.

Mr Cedric Chan Yone, Counsellor to the Member of the Government in charge of Francophonie, reiterated a willingness for New Caledonia and New Zealand to develop cultural and language exchanges through immersion courses.

The Alliance Française Wellington and Auckland will run a week-long immersion course in August co-financed by the Delegation of New Caledonia in New Zealand.

Yves Lafoy (Official Representative of New Caledonia to New Zealand), Dominique Santini (Alliance Française Treasurer), Adrienne Bushell (Alliance Française President), Philippe Germain (President of the government of New Caledonia) Nathalie Dourneau (Alliance Française Director), Cédric Chan Yone (Counsellor in charge of Francophonie)  Jean-Louis d’Anglebermes (Vice-President of the government of New Caledonia)

Thanks to a very generous grant by the Delegation of New Caledonia in New Zealand we are pleased to announce that we have opened a new section of our Resource Centre devoted to New Caledonia. “L’Espace Nouvelle Calédonie” features a range of brand new books, CDs and DVDs to learn more about this beautiful country.

"Visit with Mrs Adrienne Bushell, President of the Alliance Française Wellington, and Nathalie Dourneau, Director”

President of the government of New Caledonia, Mr Philippe Germain, and his delegation visited the “Espace culturel et éducatif de Nouvelle-Calédonie” funded by the Delegation of New Caledonia in New Zealand and inaugurated in December 2013 by Yves Lafoy, Official Representative of New Caledonia to New Zealand.

The President expressed the wish to intensify the collaboration between our Institutions and to promote Francophonie in New Zealand by renewing our collections of books and DVDs.

Mr Cedric Chan Yone, Counsellor to the Member of the Government in charge of Francophonie, reiterated a willingness for New Caledonia and New Zealand to develop cultural and language exchanges through immersion courses.

The Alliance Française Wellington and Auckland will run a week-long immersion course in August co-financed by the Delegation of New Caledonia in New Zealand.

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